Watch Our Virtual Event “The Color of Healthcare”

On Tuesday, May 11, 2021, our event “The Color of Healthcare: How Healthcare Delivery and Outcomes Differ by Race–Right Here, Right Now” featured expert panelists Martine Hackett, PhD and Dana Sussman, JD-MPH discussing the current racial disparities in healthcare, treatment of patients and life expectancy and what we might do …

General Meeting and Presentation Recap: The New York Health Act

Thank you to everyone who attended our meeting on November 29 and took part in the discussion of single-payer care in New York State with Assemblyman Richard N. Gottfried! (And a special thanks to our Healthcare Committee for organizing the event.) Links to the handouts provided during the meeting are …

Healthcare At Risk – Learn About the Graham Cassidy Bill

The US Senate is furiously whipping votes to pass the Graham-Cassidy bill, the Senate’s latest effort to reform and repeal the Affordable Care Act. Passage of Graham-Cassidy will leave millions of Americans without healthcare coverage and worsen coverage for millions more. The bill will also allow states to opt out of essential health benefits protected by the ACA such as maternity care coverage, mental health benefits, and coverage for people with preexisting conditions.

Click here and here to learn more about this bill and other developments in the healthcare arena.

Raise your voice – make phone calls. – send postcards. Click here and here to find your representatives. Click here to download postcard templates.

“Medicare for All” Plan

“Sen. Bernie Sanders unveiled his single-payer health-care proposal, “Medicare for All,” on Wednesday, to a packed room of supporters on Capitol Hill.

The bill already has 16 Democratic co-sponsors, a number that would have been unimaginable just a year ago. The independent senator from Vermont also released a white paper on how the government might finance such a health-care system, which included an income-based tax increase, an expansion of the estate tax, and a new tax on incomes of the 0.1 percent of Americans.”

Click here to read more…

The Latest On Healthcare

Thanks to your action and advocacy, the Senate’s attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act failed

Tonight’s advocacy event is canceled, but we will still bring a RaisingVoicesUSA contingent to Saturday’s March for our Lives. Join us as we stand with people in over 60 cities across the country to let our elected officials know that we want them to work together on common sense, compassionate healthcare reform.

Details about Saturday’s March for our Lives in NYC.
On Saturday, July 29 from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm, RaisingVoicesUSA members will join people in over 27 states as we march in support of common sense, compassionate healthcare for all Americans. If you are coming from Long Island, meet us on the platform at the Rockville Centre LIRR Station at 12:45 pm (taking the 1:03 pm train to Penn Station, then the E subway line to 5th Avenue/53d Street station). Learn more about the March for our Lives. Please email if you plan to join us for the march.

Informed civic engagement has the power to effect change. Thank you to everyone who raised your voice on this crucial issue!

URGENT Healthcare Action!

The time is NOW. Join us Friday, July 28 from 7:30-9 pm for an EMERGENCY EVENING OF ADVOCACY FOR HEALTHCARE, and then Saturday, July 29 from 2-4 pm to raise your voice about healthcare at the MARCH FOR OUR LIVES (Save Healthcare).

Emergency Action: Evening of Advocacy for Healthcare (phone banking, postcard writing, and sign making for the next day’s NYC march)
Friday, 7/28, 7:30-9 pm, United Church, Morris Ave, RVC

March for our Lives (Save our Health Care)
Saturday, 7/29, 2-4 pm, Trump Tower (725 5th Ave, NY)
Gathering place (RVC): RVC Train Station Platform 12:45 pm. We will take the 1:03 pm from RVC to Penn then E train to 5th Ave/53rd St Station)

RSVP to to both events. PLEASE join us! And if you are unable, please CALL your senators, and those who might be wavering TODAY, TOMORROW, and EVERY DAY until this gets resolved, to express your concerns and raise your voice!

Find your federal legislators:

Find your local legislators:

July 4th Recess – Take Action!

From CPR – Center for Public Representation:

Your incredible advocacy is working!  This week, the Senate Majority Leadership delayed the vote on the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA).  But we can’t sit back – we need to UP our advocacy!  WE HAVE NEXT WEEK TO #KillTheBill and #SaveMedicaid. 

Your Senators will be home for the 4th of July recess next week. We need to ensure that your Senators hear about how bad the bill would be for people with disabilities all recess long! More about the bill here and here. This toolkit details how you can turn up the heat and make sure that your Senators feel the pressure to vote NO to any bill that cuts or caps Medicaid!

Urgent: Action Update on Healthcare


Today the Senate released their version of the American Healthcare Act. Like the House version of the bill, it severely cuts Medicaid funding, increases health costs for many, scales back coverage for pre-existing conditions, and eliminates Planned Parenthood funding. The bill was written without any public input, and we should expect that pattern to continue as the Senate prepares to vote before the July 4th recess.

This is a rough timeline of what we can expect between now and July 1 for the proposed bill.

Here are key action to take between now and July 1

1) Click here to submit an amendment to the bill. Any Senator who wants can introduce an amendment to the bill. Each amendment must be read on the Senate floor and then voted upon. This process takes time and could potentially delay the vote until we have enough assurance that there are enough Senators who will vote against the bill.
2) Find out where senators stand on the bill and contact those on the fence. Urge them to vote no and explain how the proposed bill would affect you, your family, and your friends. If you are represented by a Democratic senator, urge them to introduce amendments. Click here for
3) Share this state-by-state toolkit with friends and family who live in key states.Senators from Alaska, Maine, West Virginia, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, and Arkansas have expressed concerns over the bill. Now is the time to increase outreach to these elected officials so they know their constituents share these concerns.
4) Come to an evening of Healthcare Advocacy on Tuesday, June 27 at 7pm. Join us at Turn of the Corkscrew in Rockville Centre to get updated on the latest news, write to Senators, and learn more about a new RaisingVoices Health Care Committee initiative to collect first-person stories about health insurance and how you and your family may be affected. RSVP to

Thank you for raising your voice!