Earth Day 2019: A Tip a Day to Pave the Way for a Better Tomorrow

Join Raising Voices in celebrating Earth Day (April 22 ) everyday! How can you make an impact? Try one tip a day or week and keep at it. You can make a difference! 

Download the Tip-A-Day Calendar (PDF)

April 2019

“If many little people, in many little places do many little things, they can change the face of the Earth.” – African Proverb

Day 1 Shopping? Try to source locally before turning to online retailers. Saves on fossil fuel, packaging and supports your local businesses.
Day 2 Morning & Evening Routines -Turn the water off when brushing your teeth and save gallons!
Day 3 That’s my neighbor on the field or at an activity. Let’s Carpool! More time for all & saves fuel.
Day 4 Steam your veggies on top of your pasta pot tonight to save on time, dishwashing and energy.
Day 5 Friday Night Lights – Take advantage of natural daylight and turn off lights in the evening when leaving a room.
Day 6 Saturday Sports – Keep our fields clean. Inspire others by example, and trash the litter. Speak-up when you see littering and make a difference!
Day 7 April showers equal rainy days, so put the electronics away and make it family game night!
Day 8 Lunchtime Alternatives – Reuse plastic deli and other washable containers instead of one use plastic bags.
Day 9 Paper products account for 1/3 of the waste commonly found in landfills. Sponges, washcloths, and towels are cheaper, reusable, and take up less space than paper towels.
Day 10 Walk, Run, Bike – Every time you leave your car at home you reduce air pollution, lower greenhouse gas emissions, improve your health and save money.
Day 11 Change a light bulb, change the world. Compact fluorescent bulbs and LEDS vs. regular incandescent bulbs use 2/3 less energy and last up to 10 times longer.
Day 12 1500 water bottles are used every second in the U.S. When leaving the house remember your keys, phone, bag, and reusable water bottle. Our oceans thank you!
Day 13 Spring Cleaning – Substitute vinegar, baking soda & lemon juice for chemical laden cleaners. They are effective, safer for our water systems and produce less greenhouse gas. Try it!
Day 14 Bring Your Own Bag – Grocery shopping, the mall, take-out, or wherever you shop, bring your own! Leave reusable bags in your trunk and you won’t forget!
Day 15 Paper Recycling – One stack of 10 newspapers recycled saves a tree from being chopped down. Recycle paper packaging and any notices that come home from school too!
Day 16 Packing a spoon in lunch? Ditch the disposable; reach for the utensil drawer. Refuse one-use plastic!
Day 17 Packaging Matters – Plastic can only be recycled once, glass up to 7 times, and aluminum infinitely. Think cans before bottles! Think unpackaged veggies before bagged salads, etc.
Day 18 Save & Return Your Plastic Bottles for $.05 at your local store, give the money to charity and help your neighbor in need! Every penny counts!
Day 19 Eat Your Vegetables – Each year in the US alone, 80 % of all agricultural land, 1/2 of all water resources, 70 % of all grain, & 1/3 of all fossil fuels are used to raise animals for food.
Day 20 Shutdown – Unplug while on vacation/not in use: toasters, coffee pots, air conditioners, lamps, TVs, computers, etc.
Day 21 To dry or not to dry? NOT! Run your dishwasher before bed and turn heated dry off. By morning your dishes are dry without using extra energy!
Day 22 Straws make up 10% of all plastic pollution. Say no thank you to straws at restaurants, takeout, fast food, deli, school etc.
Day 23 Vacation Water Use – Water supplies are an acute concern in hot climates. The average vacationer uses twice as much water as each resident daily.
Day 24 Sunscreen – One of the biggest and most permanent contributors to marine pollution is sunscreen. Look for sunscreen that’s marine life safe.
Day 25 Staycation? Visit a local farm and learn about where our food comes from and food sustainability.
Day 26 Laundry never ends! Use cold or warm water for washes vs. hot. Shake out laundry before putting in dryer and use dryer balls to cutback time.
Day 27 Yard Clean-Up – Opt for paper lawn bags vs. plastic. They are biodegradable and meet your needs.
Day 28 Spring Planting – Go bee/butterfly friendly and plant natural bug repellants– think lavender, mint marigolds, petunias, basil, and rosemary.
Day 29 Buy, Sell, Swap – Before trashing an unwanted item, donate, sell or swap it. Many apps are available to make it easy!
Day 30 Practice the 5 Rs: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle