Earth Day 2019: A Tip a Day to Pave the Way for a Better Tomorrow

Join Raising Voices in celebrating Earth Day (April 22 ) everyday! How can you make an impact? Try one tip a day or week and keep at it. You can make a difference!  Download the Tip-A-Day Calendar (PDF) April 2019 “If many little people, in many little places do many …

America Before Earth Day: Smog and Disasters Spurred the Laws Trump Wants to Undo

from The New York Times by Livia Albeck-Ripka and Kendra Pierre-Louis A huge oil spill. A river catching fire. Lakes so polluted they were too dangerous for fishing or swimming. Air so thick with smog it was impossible to see the horizon. That was the environmental state of the nation 50 years …

Lessening Our Environmental Impact: A Response to the Reduction of Our National Monuments

“If only the rocks could talk. If only the sandstones could sing, imagine the stories they’d tell, of dinosaurs, mammoth hunters and the “ancient ones” known as the Anasazi. All roamed southern Utah over the eons, long before Native Americans struggled to hold their land against Mormon settlers, modern life …

48 Environmental Rules on the Way Out Under Trump


Since taking office in January, President Trump has made eliminating federal regulations a priority. His administration — with help from Republicans in Congress — has often targeted environmental rules it sees as overly burdensome to the fossil fuel industry, including major Obama-era policies aimed at fighting climate change.

To date, the the Trump administration has sought to reverse nearly 50 environmental rules, according to an analysis by The New York Times.