Activist Profile: Rodman Serrano

Our Activist Profile series highlights RaisingVoicesUSA members who have found their path to civic engagement by raising their voice for the issues they’re most passionate about. Want to be featured? Contact us at to learn more. Issue/Cause: Building electoral power in low-income communities of color on Long Island. What …

Thank you for raising your voices for families separated at the border

On Saturday, people around the United States came together and raised their voices in support of keeping families together. Thank you to those who joined RaisingVoicesUSA members at rallies across Long Island, and to everyone who spoke up in support of humane, compassionate immigration policy at rallies across the country.

Families Belong Together Rally Recap

On Saturday, people around the United States came together and raised their voices in support of keeping families together. Thank you to those who joined RaisingVoicesUSA members at rallies across Long Island, and to everyone who spoke up in support of humane, compassionate immigration policy.

The facts about the policy of separating families at the border

The president and top administration officials say U.S. laws or court rulings are forcing them to separate families that are caught trying to cross the southern border.

These claims are false. Immigrant families are being separated primarily because the Trump administration in April began to prosecute as many border-crossing offenses as possible. This “zero-tolerance policy” applies to all adults, regardless of whether they cross alone or with their children.

Jericho Walk and National Day of Action Against Deportation and Detention

The New Sanctuary Coalition of NYC is planning a National Day of Action on May 3, 2018 to stand in solidarity with all those opposing deportation and detention. Starting at the same time across time zones, groups across the country will organize a peaceful action known as the Jericho Walk. …

Hawaii Blocks Travel Ban

This version of the travel ban was set to take effect today–it was blocked by a judge in Hawaii yesterday:

“The latest version of the travel ban — version 3.0, if you will — limits travel from Iran, Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen. The nations of Chad, North Korea and Venezuela have been added. And Sudan, which was part of the original ban, has been dropped.

‘The new rules take effect Oct. 18. And unlike previous versions, the new ban is not temporary. It will remain in place until the affected nations comply with stringent requirements for vetting their citizens before they can receive visas to enter the U.S.’

That’s the version of the ban that has now been blocked from going into effect, nationwide — at least for now.”

– From NPR (click here to read full story).

Agreement Reached to Protect Young Immigrants

“Senior Democrats stunned Washington on Wednesday by claiming that they had agreed with Donald Trump on a plan to protect so-called Dreamers, young immigrants who were brought illegally to the US as children.

Senator minority leader Chuck Schumer and House counterpart Nancy Pelosi, who dined with the president at the White House, said they had reached an agreement to quickly enshrine into law protections for the nearly 800,000 immigrants who benefited from Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (Daca) programme.

A person briefed on the meeting said Trump agreed with the Democrats to pair the bipartisan Dream Act, which provides a path to permanent residency for undocumented immigrants brought to the US illegally as children, with some form of border security – excluding Trump’s promised border wall.”

Click here to read more…

Tell Congress to Co-sponsor the Dream Act

The President has announced the end of DACA. The human impact of 800,000 young people losing their permission to live and work in the United States is beyond heartbreaking – it’s cruel. Every one of them will lose their work authorization and be at risk for deportation. Passing the bipartisan 2017 Dream Act would protect them. 

Click here and tell your members of Congress to co-sponsor the Dream Act today.